Kaivokatu 16 13100 Hämeenlinna Y-tunnus: 0499964-0
Sinimäentie 10 C 02630 Espoo
Aapistie 7 B 90220 Oulu
Tilaukset, tuotetiedustelut sekä muut tiedustelut: info@immunodiagnostic.fi
RFX HT Format RNA Saliva Collectors – With 2D Barcode
Cell Projects
RFX HT Format Assisted RNA Saliva Collectors
RFX HT Format Assisted RNA Saliva Collectors – With 2D Barcode
Salivalyse – DNA Saliva Direct to PCR kit
Column (small) based DNA Isolation kit processes 5 x 0.5ml+ of saliva.
Column (small) based DNA Isolation kit processes 50 x 0.5ml+ of saliva.
Column (Midi) based DNA Isolation kit processes 5 x 2ml of saliva.
Column (Midi) based DNA Isolation kit processes 12 x 2ml of saliva.
Column (Midi) based DNA Isolation kit processes 48 x 2ml of saliva
Ampligase™ DNA Ligase without Buffer, 100 U/uL, 10,000 U
LGC Biosearch Technologies
Ampligase™ DNA Ligase with Buffer, 100 U/µL, 2,500 units
Ampligase 10X Reaction buffer, 5 mL
Ampligase™ Kit, 100,000 U at 5,000 U/mL
Ampligase™ DNA Ligase with Buffer, 5 U/µL, 2,500 U
Ampligase™ DNA Ligase without Buffer, 5 U/µL, 10,000 U
Ampligase™ DNA Ligase with Buffer, 5 U/µL, 750 U
Ampligase™ DNA Ligase Kit, 5 U/µL, 1,000 U
Plasmid-Safe ATP-Dependent DNase, 10 U/µL, 1,000 Units
Plasmid-Safe ATP-Dependent DNase, 10 U/µL, 10,000 Units
TransforMax EPI300-T1R Electrocompetent E. coli, 20 Reactions