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CRS – Coherent Raman Scattering

CRS – Coherent Raman Scattering

”Leimaton konfokaalimikroskopia”

Kun tutkittavana on rakenteita, joita ei kyetä visualisoimaan tavanomaisen fluoresenssimikroskopian avulla, peliin hyppää Leica STELLARIS 8 CRS (Coherent Raman Scattering) mikroskooppi. CRS:n avulla voidaan visualisoida näytteitä ilman erityisiä fluoresoivia leimoja näissä haastavissa tilanteissa.

Leica STELLARIS 8 CRS mikroskooppi

STELLARIS 8 CRS laitteiston avulla voidaan kuvantaa laajalti erilaisia näytteitä nopeasti ja korkealla resoluutiolla käyttäen erittäin joustavasti esimerkiksi Stimulated Raman Scatteringia (SRS), Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scatteringia (CARS), Second Harmonic Generationia (SHG) ja lisäksi multifotoni- ja tavanomaista fluoresenssikonfokaalimikroskopiaa!

Kuva 1. Overlay image showing the eye of an intact unlabeled zebrafish. Green: Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) image of lipid components (at 2850 cm⁻¹). Red: SRS image of protein components (at 2935 cm⁻¹). Blue: second-harmonic signals, mainly from the sclera and cornea. Sample provided by Elena Remacha Motta and Julien Vermot, Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology (IGBMC), Strasbourg, France.


Kuva 2. Amyloid-β plaques and associated pathological lipid deposits visualized in unlabeled brain tissues. Spectroscopic analysis shows an enrichment of membrane lipids and a depletion of cholesterol compared to nearby healthy brain structures, providing a new window to study connections between lipid metabolism and Alzheimer’s pathology. Sample courtesy of Dr. Martin Fuhrmann, Andrea Baral, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bonn.


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Artikkelikuva. Automated imaging of large-area samples: Shown here is a high-resolution tile scan of an entire mouse brain slice. A comparison of corresponding cortical tissue regions from mice grown on a high-fat diet vs a regular diet reveals the occurrence of pathological, lipid-rich arterial plaques on a high-fat diet, but not on a regular diet. Sample courtesy of Judith Leyh and Prof. Ingo Bechmann, Universität Leipzig, Germany.