High quality solutions for cDNA synthesis
No matter what your sample type or species is, or if you are performing qPCR or NGS, check these interesting options:
1. cDNA synthesis from single cells or low input samples: CelluLyser lysis and cDNA Synthesis kit from TATAA
- From cells to cDNA in one tube: CelluLyser lysis buffer combined with highly efficient GrandScript cDNA Synthesis Kit
- Sensitive and easy to use
By using CelluLyser™, the entire workflow from rapid and sensitive cell lysis to cDNA synthesis and qPCR can be performed without washing steps, thus eliminating material loss
- Suitable for samples ranging from 10 000 cells down to as little as one single cell.
2. For generating long cDNA transcripts: Lexogen TeloPrime
- The TeloPrime Full-Length cDNA Amplification Kit V2 is an all-in-one protocol for generating full-length cDNA from total RNA.
- Full-length cDNA generation with high yield
- Exceptional 5‘ cap specificity
- Ideal for long-read NGS library generation (e.g. PacBio™ and Oxford Nanopore™)
- 1 ng – 2 μg total RNA input
- Flexible protocol enables use of custom primers for reverse transcription
3. For production of full-length cDNA from low amounts of total RNA: MMLV Reverse Transcriptase 1st-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
- Optimized, complete system for production of full-length cDNA from low amounts of total RNA.
- Synthesize full-length cDNA (>15 kb)
- Includes all components necessary to generate first-strand cDNA from picogram amounts of total RNA
- MMLV HP RT demonstrates significantly higher activity than competitive reverse transcriptase enzymes
4. MessageBOOSTER™ cDNA Synthesis Kit for qPCR
- Produce amplified amounts of cDNA from precious, limiting total RNA samples without introducing bias.
- Perform RNA amplification on purified total RNA followed by cDNA synthesis and detection
- Amplify with this high-fidelity, linear RNA amplification process that preserves the relative transcript abundance of the sample.
- Get more data out of precious samples – use less RNA for more RT-qPCR reactions
- Readily and reproducibly detect even low-abundance transcripts in RNA from a single cell (CT values <35 cycles)
- Collect small RNA samples less often.
- Fast protocol amplifies and synthesizes cDNA in only 1 day.
Reverse transcriptase Enzymes
1. EpiScript™ RNase H- Reverse Transcriptase
- Cost-efficient replacement for SuperScript reverse transcriptase. The working conditions are similar, performance better!
- Produce full-length cDNA with RNAse H- mutant
- Achieve higher specificity at elevated temperatures, up to 55°C
- Part of the RapiDxFire 1-step RT-qPCR system for effective detection of viral RNA pathogens.
2. MMLV High Performance Reverse Transcriptase
- Optimized reverse transcriptase and buffer system for the production of full-length cDNA (>15 kb)
- Amplify first-strand cDNA from picogram amounts of total RNA
- Optimize the RT reaction to your specific needs by using the first strand cDNA synthesis primers, dNTPs and RNase inhibitor of your choice (not included).
3. NxGen® M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase
- Outstanding cDNA synthesis
- RNA-dependent DNA polymerase which shows no measurable 3′→5′ proofreading function. This enzyme can copy a single-stranded DNA template or perform cDNA synthesis by extending a DNA primer annealed to an RNA template.
4. RapiDxFire™ Thermostable Reverse Transcriptase
- A truly thermostable reverse transcriptase for fast synthesis of short cDNA (< 1 Kb)
- A significant advancement over popular MMLV- and AMV reverse transcriptases
- Extremely active at high temperatures (55 to 80°C): Improves specificity of cDNA Synthesis from diverse RNA templates
- Sensitive: Detects ≤100 copies of RNA in two-step RT-qPCR assays
- Short reaction time (5 minutes or less): Streamlined RT-qPCR workflow and faster time to results
- Stable at room temperature (> 3 months): Simplifies setup on automation decks (no cold storage required) and enables use in environments with limited cold-storage
- Lyo-compatible: Enzyme formulation is free of glycerol -and other components- that are known to interfere with downstream lyophilization
- Batch to batch reproducibility: Manufactured in an ISO 13485-certified facility
- Bulk/OEM available: Contact us about bulk orders, custom formulations, and dispensing options.