
Kaivokatu 16
13100 Hämeenlinna
Y-tunnus: 0499964-0

Phone +358 3 615 370


Sinimäentie 10 C
02630 Espoo

Oulu – Technical Service

Aapistie 7 B
90220 Oulu

Orders, product search/enquiries and other questions: info(@)immunodiagnostic.fi

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Contact info

Please contact info@immunodiagnostic.fi or phone +358-3-615 370. Email addresses are firstname.lastname@immunodiagnostic.fi. Follow us on LinkedIn!

Contact us

Sales & Marketing

Microscopy and imaging

Vesa Ylöstalo Product Manager, Microscopy and Imaging +358 40 543 2318
Markku Saari Product Manager, Microscopy and Imaging +358 41 507 2510
Toni Vormisto Product Manager, Stereo and material microscopes +358 50 463 8391
Ville Soramies Product Manager, Surgical Microscopes +358 400 638 434
Simo Virtala Product Manager, Surgical Microscopes +358 400 995 099
Pekka Hietala Product Manager, Surgical Microscopes +358 40 751 8660

Diagnostics & Life Science

Annu Aromaa Product Manager, Clinical Diagnostics +358 40 835 6006
Elina Nivala-Vanhainen Product Manager, Clinical Diagnostics & Food Diagnostics +358 40 524 0509
Eveliina Markkula, Ph.D. Quality Manager and Application Specialist +358 40 451 7098
Annu Lohikoski Product Manager, Pathology and Histology +358 50 592 7372
Pasi Kataja Product Manager, Pathology and Genetics +358 50 330 5315
Laura Aulu Product Manager, Clinical Diagnostics, on maternity leave from May 6th, 2024

Technical support and service

Marco Bognomini Service Manager, Histology and IT, Espoo
Tim Hänninen Service Technician, Microscopy, Surgical Microscopes and EM instruments, Espoo
Olli Hämäläinen Service Technician, Histology & Microscopes, Espoo
Lassi Kuopusjärvi Service Technician, Clinical Diagnostics and Histology Instruments, Oulu

Customer service

Phone +358 3 615 370

Anu Ahokanto Sales Assistant
Taina Orkola Team Manager, customer service
Tomi Ailio Logistics


Suvi Virkki Financial Manager
Tomi Virtanen CEO