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BioVendor’s webinar: miRNA quantification challenge – ACCOMPLISHED!


Standard methods fail to quantify Short non-coding RNAs properly due to their small number of nucleotides. The majority of suppliers start with artificial prolongation and the addition of artificial base pairs to solve this challenge. Now BioVendor has a solution for you: The Two-tailed-RT-qPCR method. 

Key points discussed:

  • MicroRNA: why it is important
  • TT-RT-qPCR: backstage of an innovative method for miRNA quantification
  • Target strategies: science and diagnostics

October 20th – 10:00 am CEST, TEAMS internet platform

Register here


Ps. Do you want to refresh your knowledge about micro-RNAs?

Check the Biovendor presentation, and learn how you could benefit from highly specific Two-tailed RT-qPCR assays or microRNA Enzyme ImmunoAssays – miREIAs